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- Radon guide
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What is measured?
Please note that if you are not a contractual customer and are going to measure Detached house(s)/Holiday home(s), you will need to place one order per residence. This gives one report per home, the basis for radon mitigation per residence.
For how long do you want to measure?
Long-term measurement is reliable and gives and annual average value. The measurement must span over at least 60 days during the heating period, i.e. October 15th – April 15th. Long-term measurement gives you an answer as to what radon levels are present in the residence/amenity. It is also the recommended method by the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA). Long-term measurement must be performed with at least one detector per floor and always with a minimum of two detectors. The detectors must be placed in furnished rooms (e.g. bedroom, living room, den) - rooms such as bathrooms, laundry rooms do not count.
Short-term measurement with electronic instrument is not recommended. This method can be performed if time is short or as a quick radon mitigation effectiveness check. If you measure over a short time, you will receive an indication if the levels are too high or low. Indicative short-term measuring is processed at lightening speed. You must measure over at least 7 days, and the measuring operation can be performed throughout the year. You will receive the results within a few days. This method can be performed if time is short or as a quick radon mitigation effectiveness check. If you measure over a short time, you will receive an indication if the levels are too high or low.
{{ selectedBuildingToMeasureTitle }}
Monitoring the air we breathe every day should be on everyone's conscience. The maximum limit for radon in a residence must not exceed 100 Bq/m3 in living spaces.
- The measurement must be performed on all floors with rooms with living space (i.e. bedroom, living room). If the residence is on one floor, two radon detectors are placed in two different rooms with living space. If the residence has two or more floors, a radon detector is placed on each level.
- Radon detectors must be placed in rooms with living space (e.g. bedroom, living rooms, or dens). Wet rooms such as bathrooms or laundry rooms, or storage rooms and unfurnished basements are not classified as living space and therefore are not taken into account in the annual average value.
- Radon measurements in holiday homes will not give an annual average value, but each detector will measure radon levels and is as reliable as radon detection in a detached house.
- Measuring operations must be performed during the heating period that runs between October 15th and April 15th, with a minimum period of 60 days and nights.
- Read through and follow the measuring instructions encolsed with each radon detector.
- Note that if you are not a contractual customer, you will need to place an order per residence.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to call us at: +47 21 96 03 50
Monitoring the air we breathe every day should be on everyone's conscience. The maximum limit for radon in a residence must not exceed 100 Bq/m3 in living spaces.
- Measuring must be performed with at least two radon detectors per flat no matter how big it is.
- Measuring operations must be performed in all flats with ground contact i.e. all flats that stand directly on a concrete foundation slab or above a crawl space.
- In addition to this, at least 20 percent of all flats in each building body and at least one flat per floor are measured.It is a good idea to measure in a few more flats than what is strictly required as detectors are sometimes put away by flat occupants.
- Measuring should be performed in those flats adjacent to lifts or ventilation shafts.
- Radon detectors must be placed in rooms with living space (e.g. bedroom, living rooms, or dens). Wet rooms such as bathrooms or laundry rooms, or storage rooms and unfurnished basements are not classified as living space and therefore are not taken into account in the annual average value.
- If the flat consists of one floor, two track film detectors are placed in two different rooms with living space. If there is only one room with living space, both detectors are placed in that room. If the flat instead consists of two or more floors with rooms with living space, one detector is placed on each level.
- Measuring operations must be performed during the heating period that runs between 1 October and 30 April for a period of at least 60 days and nights.
- Read through and follow the measuring instructions that are enclosed with the radon detectors.
For orders of 100 or more measuring kits, we will be glad to give you a quotation!
If you are unsure as to how many measuring kits are needed for your property, call Maria Häggmark on:
The home environment is clearly very important. The same goes for the work environment! The maximum value for radon in the workplace must not exceed 200 Bq/m3 in the air and it is the Swedish Work Environment Authority who are the regulatory authority. Read more on their website about Work with ionizing radiation
- Measuring must be performed in each individual building
- At least 1 radon detector is placed in every fifth amenity room in properties with ground contact or a basement level where persons are present more than occasionally.
- On floors above ground level, at least 1 detector is placed on each floor with permanent workplaces and at least 1 detector for every 500 m2.
- Always measure in personnel areas and other amenities where personnel are often present
- The placing of detectors can be decisive for the results. Detectors must not be moved during the measuring period. Readily place detectors when possible in the middle of rooms
- Read through and follow the measuring instructions that are enclosed with the radon detectors.
If you want more information on measuring radon in workplaces, please read Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s method description
Note that measurements in work premises do not produce an annual average value but should nevertheless be performed in a similar way to give reliable values.
For orders of 100 or more measuring points, we will be glad to give you a quotation!
If you are unsure as to how many measuring points are appropriate for your property, call Maria Häggmark on:
For new constructions, it can be worth knowing if the soil the building will stand on is classed as high risk soil from a radon perspective, as radon protection can be built in from the start. In some cases, the municipality’s local planning committee demand a survey of radon levels in the ground before granting a building permit.
Vil du utføre målinger av radon før oppføring av nytt bygg? Kontakt oss på: eller +47 2196 0350
You want to take a measurement infor {{ selectedBuildingToMeasureName }} {{ amount }} {{ whatToMeasureSummarySingular[whatToMeasure] }}{{ whatToMeasureSummaryPlural[whatToMeasure] }}.
We recommend the following products before you measure:
You want to take a measurement induring{{ selectedBuildingToMeasureName }} {{ amount }} {{ whatToMeasureSummarySingular[whatToMeasure] }}{{ whatToMeasureSummaryPlural[whatToMeasure] }}.
We recommend the following products before you measure:
Product | at Price | Number | Rad. sum | |
Total: {{ totalSum }} Add to shopping cart | ||||
Målepakke 1 sporfilm langtid | {{ productRows['R1FLN'].currentPriceText }} incl. VAT | {{ productRows['R1FLN'].rowSum }} | |
Målepakke 2 sporfilmer langtid | {{ productRows['R2FLN'].currentPriceText }} incl. VAT | {{ productRows['R2FLN'].rowSum }} | |
Målepakke 3 sporfilmer langtid | {{ productRows['R3FLN'].currentPriceText }} incl. VAT | {{ productRows['R3FLN'].rowSum }} | |
Målepakke 4 sporfilmer langtid | {{ productRows['R4FLN'].currentPriceText }} incl. VAT | {{ productRows['R4FLN'].rowSum }} | |
Frakt | {{ productRows['FRAKTRAD'].currentPriceText }} incl. VAT | {{ productRows['FRAKTRAD'].rowSum }} |